Rule B.13: More than Two Authors

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B.13(a): More than Two Authors in a Full Citation

This rule differs from the Bluebook. TLR preference is to always list the names of each author of a cited authority even when there are more than two authors. Each author’s name should be separated by a comma. There should be no comma preceding the last author’s name and this name should instead be separated by an ampersand (&).

  • Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley & Hermione Granger, Dumbledore’s Army: Evaluating the Legality of Student-Formed Militias, 14 Hogwarts L. Rev. 932 (1998).

B.13(b): More than Two Authors in a Short Citation

This rule differs from the Bluebook. In a short citation of a source authored by three or more individuals, only the first listed author’s name should be used, followed by “et al.”

  •  Potter et al., supra note 3, at 940.

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