Temple Law Review Online
Volume 97, Online

“The Quest to Normalize Questments” explores the use of “questments”—a hybrid of questions and statements—in cross-examination, advocating for their normalization as an effective trial tool. While cross-examination is a vital aspect of the adversarial trial system, governed by the Federal Rules of Evidence, courts remain inconsistent in recognizing questments as valid leading questions. The article […]

By Veronica J. Finkelstein [PDF]

In response to Professor Melanie C. Regis’s article, Testing the Validity of a Verdict, about the complexities of addressing juror misconduct, Professor Cynara Hermes McQuillan offers a nuanced analysis of the procedural challenges surrounding Remmer hearings. She underscores the urgent need for a uniform standard to resolve the growing circuit split on what constitutes sufficient grounds for such […]

By Cynara Hermes McQuillan [PDF]