We request that prospective authors submit articles via Scholastica.
Temple Law Review:
Temple Law Review Online:
Hard copy submissions are discouraged but may be submitted to:
Temple Law Review
Attn: Lead Articles Editor
Temple University Beasley School of Law
1719 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Temple Law Review Selection Criteria
- The Temple Law Review (TLR) accepts submissions from attorneys, legal scholars, and law clerks for publication.
- TLR makes an offer for publication only to those authors who have submitted articles that are in substantially publishable condition and do not need extensive substantive editing. TLR prefers submissions to be double spaced with consecutively numbered footnotes. Citations should conform to the 20th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
- In selecting articles, the editors do not look for a particular “type” of written format. TLR willingly accepts and encourages the submission of nontraditional articles, including essays, commentaries, narratives, book reviews, and responses to previously published articles.
- The articles TLR selects for publication are those that the editors believe are most likely to contribute to the already existing scholarly literature in a particular substantive area.
Temple Law Review Online Selection Criteria
- Launched in 2014, Temple Law Review Online (TLRO) serves as the online supplement to TLR. TLRO provides a platform for publishing scholarly works that are shorter (25 pages or fewer) than the traditional law review article, involve time-sensitive topics, or directly respond to materials published in TLR‘s printed issues.
- Submissions should generally comply with TLR‘s standards [see above] for “publishable condition” and use of footnotes.
- As with our print journal, TLRO provides its authors with the opportunity to publish substantive and topical pieces that are available via LexisNexis and Westlaw, as well as on TLR’s website.
- Because TLRO acts as an electronic supplement, submissions that are accepted for publication are reviewed in an expedited version of TLR‘s editing process. Publication is not done according to a preset calendar, but occurs upon the completion of the editing process.
Our Editing Philosophy
- The goal of TLR throughout the editing process is to maintain open lines of communication with authors to preserve a positive working relationship. TLR editors endeavor to keep authors informed of the editing process and give authors advance notice when any edits or reviews may be needed. TLR encourages authors to communicate any questions or concerns to TLR so those issues can promptly be addressed to the satisfaction of the author.
- In editing articles, the guiding principle is editorial deference. TLR editors recognize their limitations as student editors and provide authors only with suggested edits, not editorial edits. The author always has the final word as to the content of the published article.
- In providing authors with edits, as a result of TLR‘s careful selection process, the editors largely avoid making suggestions regarding the article’s substantive content. The editors limit suggested edits to the task of refining the grammar, clarity, and coherence of the article. In so doing, the editors seek to improve the piece, not rewrite the author’s work.