Rule A.11: Naming Conventions for Articles, Comments, and Notes

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**Please note TLR differs from Bluebook for this rule**

TLR capitalizes names of particular headings, such as “Part,” “Section,” and “Discussion.” See Appendix V for a sample Annotated Table of Contents on page 46. In textual sentences, the words “Comment,” “Note,” “Article,” and “Essay” should always be capitalized when referring to itself. “Comment,” “Note,” “Article,” and “Essay” should also be capitalized when referring to a specific comment, note, article, or essay. Similarly, the words “Part,” “Section,” “Discussion,” “Introduction,” “Conclusion,” and other words describing a component of a piece should be capitalized when referring to components of the piece.

A.11(a): Section

TLR uses “Section” to refer to major headings, i.e. Roman numeral headings: I, II.

A.11(b): Part

TLR uses “Part” to refer to subsections of “Sections,” i.e. alphabetical headings: A, B, C, etc. “Part” is also used to refer to subparts of “Parts,” i.e. alphabetical headings followed by numbers: C.1, C.2, etc.

A.11(c): Discussion

TLR uses “Discussion” to refer to the actual “Discussion Section” (this is often its own Section too).

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