Check Out: Volume 88.2 [Authors, Previews, and Full-text .Pdfs Inside]
By TLR Editors


  1. Insider Trading in a Mannean Marketplace
    • Mercer Bullard, Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens and Cannada Lecturer and Professor of Law; Director, Business Law Institute, University of Mississippi School of Law
    • This Article posits that the government has, in fact, accepted Henry Mann’s position in cases where insider trading occurs in an organized market for material, nonpublic information.
  2. Solving the Paradox of Insider Trading Compliance
    • John P. Anderson, Associate Professor, Mississippi College School of Law
    • This Article argues that the SEC’s enforcement regime be liberalized to permit insider trading where an issuer approves a trade in advance and has disclosed that it permits such trading pursuant to regulatory guidelines.


1.    Battered Iranian Immigrant Women and the Ineffectiveness of U.S. Antiviolence Remedies

  • Samar Aryani-Sabet, J.D. Candidate, Temple University Beasley School of Law, 2016
  • This Comment explores the following questions: What happens to battered Iranian women who immigrate to the U.S. with their abusive partners? Do these women know they are victims of a crime? Do they know of the legal resources available in the U.S. that can protect them from abuse? Are the legal antiviolence resources in the U.S. reaching these victims?

2.    Fair and Effective Administration of Justice: Amending Rule 11(c)(1) to Allow for Judicial Participation in Plea Negotiations

  • Rachel Broder, J.D. Candidate, Temple University Beasley School of Law, 2016
  • This Comment calls for the ABA to reconsider its position on judicial participation in plea negotiations and advocates for an amendment that allows for this participation.

3.    Which Comes First: Class Certification or Jurisdictional Analysis

  • Brett M. Feldman, J.D. Candidate, Temple University Beasley School of Law, 2016
  • This Comment argues against the adoption of the “broad exception” interpretation of Amchem and Ortiz and in favor of the “narrow interpretation” of the “logically antecedent” exception.
